Monday, April 16, 2007

Shut Out

I feel like I'm applying for college. Get the app in (med records), tout your assets (I have a creatinin level of .8), get your recommendations in (my neph appt is on Wednesday) and GET IT ALL IN ON TIME. But in this case we don't know what the deadline is. "Lovely Lorie", the administrator at the Southern California clinical trial site, has said that there are 50 slots - "no problem getting in". Lovely does have a nice voice on the phone (hence my "Lovely" moniker) but is she the one, the admissions czar, THE one who can anoint me with the elixir? Or is she a clerk, doing her job.

My experience with the national registration line has been ridiculous. These operators present the great information wall to the diseased public - "yes, we have you in the system" "yes, we're going to send out notices" "no, we don't understand the 19 month delay". Never got the notice....only reason I know about Lovely Lorie is from a post on a PKD forum. Last week this forum also reported that Otsuka (the drug manufacturer) won't be having trials in Northern California at Stanford or UCSF because "they have enough participants". Shut out in Northern California.

Wish me luck, pray that I won't be in the same boat as the 15,000 students that got rejection letters from Duke - because at this point, it is my first and only choice.

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