Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Can I get a witness?

St. Patrick's Day 2007 - Everyone has their own physiological land mines. Sometimes these internal bombs can be seen, felt, discovered. Most times they can't, an errant gene, a hardening artery. I just happen to know my mine, my mines. I have two, aka my kidneys. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease in 2002. Yes, it rocked my world. More on that later.

Today, I'm trying to enter a clinical trial. "Tolvaptan", the first drug that has show the promise of stopping the cysts that are wreaking havoc on my kidneys.

I fill out my name on the medical release form. The first small step. Date of Birth, that's easy, but I flashed on the next logical question, date of death. Whoa, slow down Julie, you're losing it. That is a different form. Take a break. Let my mind massage a scenario about how I would argue with my "neph" (Nephrologist - kidney doctor) to release my medical forms. Let's just call. The Dr. Neph's office manager flatly stated "What do you want the forms for?" As if it mattered to her, those forms represented my life, my health, why did she want to know? Before those forms could go out, I needed to sign a release. Hold the phone, the release says I need a witness, a second signature on this critical document.

Can I Get A Witness?

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